Edward E Valentine
Associate Professor
Department of Art
The Ohio State University (Lima)
1993 The Ohio State University, MFA
1991 The Columbus College of Art and Design , BFA

I enjoy the job of being an artist, the work, building paintings, arranging the parts, the structure of it, juggling the visual and the conceptual, solving little problems and stumbling across ideas during the process.
For me it simply all boils down to making slightly odd and interesting things to look at, things which are halting and provoke a level of inquiry. That is what motivates me as a painter. It is mostly no more complicated than that. Of course there are specifics and complexities within each series but other than titles and from time to time and a few words, clarification just seems to deflate the work.
It is very important for me, not to provide answers, As soon as I do I limit the scope and range of the work. Someone once told me that whenever they get close to understanding what my work is about I seem to pull the rug out from under them. I'm not so sure that my intention is to pull the rug out from under anyone but I am absolutely certain that I will not provide anything close to an explanation or a conclusion with my work. There is none, therefore I cannot provide one.
I see my work gently provoking a thought in the viewer. It's not my job to tell people what to think nor is it my job to presume to rattle their world with huge ideas or issues, but rather, through something that is just a bit out of the ordinary show them perhaps the most interesting thing that they have seen that day. Hopefully they will walk away from the work thinking.
Over the course of many decades of painting and drawing I have come to a few conclusions. One of which is that I have no use for thick, unintelligible, over cooked art theory and criticism and its application to painting and drawing. I don't trust a good deal of it anyhow, the product of dueling, bullying academics mostly, blustering on and on and getting caught up in minutia until they have eventually eviscerate the damned thing.
I paint because I love to paint. I draw because I love to draw. I do them both because they make me smarter and I love getting smarter. I love beauty. I love skill and I love objective, empirical knowledge. I figure things out when I'm painting and drawing and that makes me smarter.

Areas of Expertise
• Painting and drawing
Professor Valentine teaches in The Department of Art at OSU, Lima. Between starting and finishing his BFA degree at The Columbus College of Art and Design Professor Valentine worked in a variety of positions, from assistant art director for a television station in Columbus, Master screen printer in Chicago and Freelance illustrator for Warner Bros. Records in New York City. He later taught drawing and at The Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine, St. Anthony's school in Greenwich Villiage. In 2003 he conducted a three week workshop on markmaking at the Hochschule Wismar in Wismar, Germany.
His work has been included in group exhibitions in Paris, Tokyo, The United Arab Emirte, San Francisco and New York City. He has had exhibitions throughout the country and has had a dozen solo exhibitions in New York City and Los Angeles. In 2002 and 2003 Professor Valentine had a ten year survey of his work at The Atrium Gallery In Prague and The National Theater in Ostrava in The Czech Republic
Associate Professor
Department of Art
The Ohio State University (Lima)
1993 The Ohio State University, MFA
1991 The Columbus College of Art and Design , BFA

I enjoy the job of being an artist, the work, building paintings, arranging the parts, the structure of it, juggling the visual and the conceptual, solving little problems and stumbling across ideas during the process.
For me it simply all boils down to making slightly odd and interesting things to look at, things which are halting and provoke a level of inquiry. That is what motivates me as a painter. It is mostly no more complicated than that. Of course there are specifics and complexities within each series but other than titles and from time to time and a few words, clarification just seems to deflate the work.
It is very important for me, not to provide answers, As soon as I do I limit the scope and range of the work. Someone once told me that whenever they get close to understanding what my work is about I seem to pull the rug out from under them. I'm not so sure that my intention is to pull the rug out from under anyone but I am absolutely certain that I will not provide anything close to an explanation or a conclusion with my work. There is none, therefore I cannot provide one.
I see my work gently provoking a thought in the viewer. It's not my job to tell people what to think nor is it my job to presume to rattle their world with huge ideas or issues, but rather, through something that is just a bit out of the ordinary show them perhaps the most interesting thing that they have seen that day. Hopefully they will walk away from the work thinking.
Over the course of many decades of painting and drawing I have come to a few conclusions. One of which is that I have no use for thick, unintelligible, over cooked art theory and criticism and its application to painting and drawing. I don't trust a good deal of it anyhow, the product of dueling, bullying academics mostly, blustering on and on and getting caught up in minutia until they have eventually eviscerate the damned thing.
I paint because I love to paint. I draw because I love to draw. I do them both because they make me smarter and I love getting smarter. I love beauty. I love skill and I love objective, empirical knowledge. I figure things out when I'm painting and drawing and that makes me smarter.

Areas of Expertise
• Painting and drawing
Professor Valentine teaches in The Department of Art at OSU, Lima. Between starting and finishing his BFA degree at The Columbus College of Art and Design Professor Valentine worked in a variety of positions, from assistant art director for a television station in Columbus, Master screen printer in Chicago and Freelance illustrator for Warner Bros. Records in New York City. He later taught drawing and at The Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine, St. Anthony's school in Greenwich Villiage. In 2003 he conducted a three week workshop on markmaking at the Hochschule Wismar in Wismar, Germany.
His work has been included in group exhibitions in Paris, Tokyo, The United Arab Emirte, San Francisco and New York City. He has had exhibitions throughout the country and has had a dozen solo exhibitions in New York City and Los Angeles. In 2002 and 2003 Professor Valentine had a ten year survey of his work at The Atrium Gallery In Prague and The National Theater in Ostrava in The Czech Republic